Friday, April 16, 2010

Risk Involved In Obesiy

With the most numbers ensuing in the United States, the amount of obese persons in the world is on rise. Affects of obesity depends on many things, including your age, gender, where you carry your body fat, and how you go on mentally.

Risk for diseases

If you are obese, you are more likely to create type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery malady (CAD), thump, and catnap apnea, among additional circumstances. Risk involved due to obesity can be minimized by weight loss.

Following are the issues occur due to obesity:

* Gall Bladder Disease
* Fatty Liver Disease
* Cancer
* pnea - breathing problem
* Osteoarthritis
* Asthma
* Chronic headaches
* Varicose veins
* Coronary artery complaintAntonym
* Hernias
* Type II Diabetes
* Heart Disease
* High Blood Pressure
* Insomnia - Sleeping disorder

Obesity is the result of complex interface of environmental, behavioral and genetic factors causingdisproportion between energy intake and energy utilization. According to Health experts an intensification in body weight of 20 percent or more directly above desirable weight is the point at which excess weight becomes a conventional physical condition danger. Lower levels of excess weight can also represent a shape risk, particularly in the manifestation of another disorders like diabetes, hypertension etc.

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